Our teeth have three layers like an apple:
1st layer = skin or “enamel”. This layer is very strong but it is thin.
2nd layer = fruit or “dentin”. This layer is most of the tooth structure.
3rd layer = core or “pulp”. This innermost layer contains the nerve of the tooth.
Tooth-colored Filling

Everyone has naturally occurring harmless bacteria in their mouths. After eating these bacteria collect on our teeth and create an acid. This acid, if not brushed or flossed away, can make soft spots in our teeth. We call these soft spots cavities.
Through careful observation and dental x-rays Dr. Leann can determine how deep a cavity is. If the soft spot or “cavity” appears to be affecting only the first layer or “enamel” Dr. Leann calls this a “watch”. A “watch” is a very small cavity. With careful brushing and flossing it may heal itself. Dr. Leann may recommend prescription fluoride toothpaste to help harden the enamel. Remember, the cavity may still continue to get deeper and need to be treated in the future.
Most cavities have already made the 2nd layer of the tooth or “dentin” soft by the time we go to the dentist. Not to worry, Dr. Leann will numb the tooth and then remove decay.

After the decay has been removed, Dr. Leann will fill the cavity with white/tooth colored filling material in the tooth protects the tooth from future decay and strengthens the tooth. It can also used to repair broken or chipped tooth surfaces and to close spaces between teeth, ect. The tooth will look as good as new! Remember, it’s important to brush and floss our teeth twice a day, so our teeth stay strong. Avoiding surgery foods is also helpful